No, not really.
However, I do want to make a plea of sorts. Over the last few months, I've put what has (scarily) become a
lot of time into this wiki app. That's fine - it's been interesting, and I am probably it's biggest user (my wiki books have thousands of pages, and I use it to organise everything from work to what needs doing around the house!)
It's still fair to say, though, that I've spent time developing this that I could have spent doing other things that I am responsible for - particularly where I've added features that people have emailed me to ask for.
With that in mind, I'd like to ask this:
If you are using my wiki app, and find it useful, please consider donating money to my local youth charity, Solent Youth Action. Donate as much or as little as you like.
Visit to make a donation
Even a small donation would make a difference. From my web server logs, I can see that the app has been downloaded from a couple of thousand unique IP addresses. If even a fraction of these people can donate a few quid each, it would make a big difference to the work that we can do.
Solent Youth Action is a charity that I help to run (I am on the board of trustees), but I will not personally receive any money that you donate. As a
registered charity, there is scrutiny of how our money is spent.
And as donations are collected for us by a trusted third party (, you don't need to worry about us having your credit/debit card details.
That said, this is all of course voluntary. If you don't want to donate, for any reason, then don't - you are still very welcome to use the wiki app.
But if I have helped to save you a little time or effort, I would appreciate you donating a little money to a good cause as a way of saying thanks.